Have you ever felt like the ancient writer that declared "Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless!"?
In PURPOSE TO POINTLESS, Anth shares how the things that once seemed full of purpose to us can become pointless and that it may then be time for us to move beyond our status quo and discover a new way of being.
Sometimes in mountaineering, a climber must release their grip on the rock and fully commit their energy to the attainment of another ledge. For a moment they grasp nothing but make take that risk to move on and ascend.
What would happen today if you dared to let go, releasing your grip on life and placing it all, dreams, relationships and priorities in the hands of God, a higher power or the source of all things?
In the clip below, Sir Walter Raleigh describes to Queen Elizabeth the sensation of daring to journey into the unknown and the thrill of discovering new shores.